November 8, 2011

They're heeeere..!

Where do I even begin...!? October flew by in the blink of an eye. It seems to do that every year. So on this day forward, I will now consider November to be my favorite month. Let's be honest, the weather is much better & jellooo? Do I even need to mention Thanksgiving?

Halloween was a hoot. I wore no less than three costumes that weekend. One which included my very favorite costume of all time. Carol Anne from Poltergeist. & yes, that would be Baley dressed up as a television. My television. "They're here!"

I have about 3,000 photos from that night but I won't torture you with the monotony of party pics. They're mostly just photos of me fist pumping my baby doll into the air. I was having a good time.


I am very much looking forward to this month. Lots of goals set for myself & Christmas is right around the corner! I spent the day decorating for Christmas at the shop today. See?

Can't wait!

p.s. I will try to be a better blogger from this day forward. Try.


  1. Love your costume!!! And the Christmas decorations! Huzzah!

  2. Hahaha the TV is too funny! Love this.
