May 24, 2011

30 Day Detox : Goals

I officially started my 30 Day Detox yesterday.
I spent the evening doing some goal writing & planning for the summer. There alot of both minor & major changes that I want to make in my life in the next few months. I am hoping that this detox will kick start things & get my mind, body, & spirit in a position where I can tackle some BIG goals! If all goes well, I plan on turning the detox into a 30 Day Challenge. Every 30 days, I challenge myself to a list of goals & work daily to accomplish them. Overcoming challenges always gives me a huge rush & I'd like to end the summer on a good note with a proud sense of self.

The goals I've set for the 30 Day Detox are not as detailed as my challenge ones will be in the future, but my focus was to achieve an overall sense of strength & willingness at the end of these 30 days instead of having to focus on very specific challenges.

Goals {5/24/11-6/22/11}
- Body : Complete 20 workouts; Drink more water; Eat less carbs & more greens; Stop adding salts to food (OOF!); Plan & cook atleast 3 meals; Leave time in my morning routine to eat breakfast at home instead of on the road.
- Mind : Be consciously thankful every single day; Replace every negative thought with a positive one.
- Spirit : Spend more time outside; Step away from the news (my addiction); Gossip less (this includes keeping negative comments about girls who wear scrunchies to myself)

A few other (& more specific) goals:
- Find a new place in Nashville to live.
- Visit Cheekwood to see the new exhibits.
- Purchase a new record player (If you have any suggestions, let me know!)

& of course I'll be sustaining from any negative tweeting or blogging! You get what you give.

So, what do we think? Accomplishable? I think so!
& remember, you can join the 30 Day Detox whenever you'd like! Let me know if you're participating. :)

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome idea and great goals. I'm definitely interested!
