March 24, 2011

Things I Love (Thursday)!

Today is Thursday, which means tomorrow is Friday. You know what that means!
Friday, Friday...Gotta get down on Friday...
Ohkay, pretend that didn't happen.

Here's what I'm loving this week!

1. This cute, portable record player. & it's only $84 on Amazon! Think I might have to buy me a new record player next week with my paycheck... :)
2. These neat dolls by Spitfire Girl. This online shop features about a million different odds & ends that I would love to have for my future wee ones. Dani over at Sometimes Sweet talked about these on her blog.

3. This pretty, & pretty funny necklace. Although I do think this Charlie Sheen business is a bit ludicrous, I've been using the term 'winning' for a long time so I think this necklace would fit me perfectly.

4. Long hair! I've never been more determined to grow mine long again.

5. These cool images over at the NY Times website. It shows fashion week models before & after. So cool!

6. The haunting images from Rosie Hardy. I've been following her photography for years & it just keeps getting better.

7. These very creatively designed rainboots. Love, love, love!

8. & of course, the ever amazing bits of advice & wisdom coming out of the Brotips Tumblr. My favorite has a bit of coarse language. But you can see it here.

I'm also loving: working out (& losing weight/seeing results!), fresh fruit, jersey shore (don't judge me), scary movies, rekindling friendships, pink nail polish, black swan on dvd next tuesday!, self magazine's ipad app, & words with friends - find me! username: lindseylstout

What are you loving this week?


  1. I love that Winning necklace! I'm trying to grow my hair out too. I went for a trim a couple of month ago which the hairdresser thought meant please cut all my lovely hair off.I want it to grrrooooooooooooooooowwww

  2. i love all of the pictures you chose to express things you love. your blog is too cute ^_^ i'm determined to grow my hair long as well. i'm already following your blog if you have a minute and love my blog as well you should do the same. i'd really appreciate it.
