July 25, 2011

Grassy Knoll Movie Night : Harold & Maude

Grassy Knoll Movie Night

Last night I attended an outdoor movie event that my bestfriend, Lauren, helped organize. Grassy Knoll Movie Night takes place every few weeks in an empty lot next to one of Nashville's best coffee shops, Bongo Java. There were food trucks galore so you can imagine my excitement! Food trucks are fairly new to Nashville but have recently been blowing up. It seems there is a new one popping up every week.

Grassy Knoll Movie Night
Grassy Knoll Movie Night
Grassy Knoll Movie Night
Grassy Knoll Movie Night
Grassy Knoll Movie Night

I got a taste of I Dream of Weenie and Pizza Buds. Both were deeeelicious! Jackalope, a new all women's run brewery, was also there but I wasn't in a beer mood so I skipped out. I plan on trying it next time though. Plus I'm all about a brewery run by girls!

Grassy Knoll Movie Night
Grassy Knoll Movie Night

The movie that played last night was Harold & Maude. I had heard of this movie but never seen it. I instantly fell in love with it! I plan on ordering it so I can watch it again & again. Harold's character is probably one of my favorite film characters ever.

Learn more about Grassy Knoll Movie Night here. There are many more dates this summer & fall!


  1. this little thing looks so fun!! i wish they had something like this in my area. and yes, harold and maude... definitely one of my favorite movies of all time. such a fun and cute movie. i'm glad you liked it!

  2. first of all, this looks awesome! jared and i started "treetop theater" a few years ago but people stopped coming/caring about it. it made me really sad.

    i knew you lived in nashville and i know some of my friends live there but i never really thought about the fact that you may know them. i didn't think about it until just now when i went to the grassy knoll facebook and saw that my friend ashten is a fan. chances are you've never seen them but hey, it's a small world.

  3. @janeboston - It IS awesome! It's been such a work in progress. They had to get so many licenses, rights to movies, permission, etc etc. It's insane what goes in to a production like that. I remember reading about your movie nights on Livejournal though! Maybe you can start it back up again?

    I don't know anyone named Ashten but I wouldn't be surprised if their face looked a bit familiar! Nashville is such a little big town.
